I have just come across a great Youtube video while I was trying to clarify the story of Lucy, the famous Australopithecus afarensis who has 3,2 million years old. It is a BBC documentary of 1 hour long and when I saw that I said: "Nah, I quit, is too long". Well, I pressed the play button and I didn't quit until 1 hour later.
In the video, Lucy is nearly completely unmasked, bringing us lots of information of the discovery. A lot of experts appears, speaking with clarity in every moment. During the video, there is a very interesting continuous Human-"Lucy"-Chimpancee comparison.
I tried to make a list of points that appear in the video, so here there are:
- The discovery of Australopithecus afarensis footprints in Tanzania and the comparison of them and the human ones.
- The transition of hominins to the ground from the trees.
- The different use of hands and each finger.
- Bipedality in the A. afarensis. Bones comparisons.
- The interesting topic of the birth canal.
- The process of reconstruction of all Lucy's skeleton. (She is so tiny!)
- The discovery of "Lucy's child" and the important fact that he had not stopped developing his brain at 3 years old.
- The sign languaje in hominids.
Enjoy, it is worthwhile! Here you have:
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