Thursday 12 December 2013

What the **** does an anthropologist?

What does an Anthropologist do? That´s the question. Knowing what an an anthropologist does is very easy, you just need a computer with internet and probably it appears with more detail and accuracy than what we can tell you.

The Oxford dictionary defines Anthropology as the study of humankind, easy isn’t it? However not so many people is able to give a proper definition of it, even at university. We wanted to know what people knew about anthropology, so we made a simple question. What does an anthropologist do? And these were the answers we received.

- A student of dentistry said: The anthropology is the science of the human being, something like their measurements and their relationship, Da´vinci and the man of vitruvio style, isn’t it?

- A student of Teaching said: Who study the people, or the history of people or the evolution of the people or something like, and he does some research.

- A student of Medicine said:  Something related to insects? Yes, the study of insects. ( After saying that maybe that was entomology... ) Rest of humans, bones,  or something like that.

- A student of Engineer said: I think is who study the stars and investigate the universe. ( After saying that was astronomy..)  is about the human body? ( close - I said- ) it’s about the bones?

- A student of economy said: The study of the human being’s evolution and the role it has played throughout history.

- A student of journalism said: I think is something about the human body. Study the different types?

- A student of Arts said : Work with bones. The anthropologist should know to identify them and know who the bone belongs to (man, woman, animals…)

Well, as we can see, it’s hard to define something as complex as anthropology. So we went to an anthropology lab in order to get some thoughts of real anthropologist. We ask three anthropologist about what an anthropologist does actually. They answered:

I ask to three fellows in the department of anthropology.
¿What really do an anthropologist?

Anthropologists study the human being, their evolution and their diversity.They use the study of fossil, genetics and the nowadays human to research.
These researchs may be on current issues like the obesity or evolutionary studies like adaptation.
To sum up, anthropology is not just digging up some bones and classify them. Nowadays these fossils can give us some ideas about our evolution and our lives thanks to other branches of sciences like genetics, and in the end that can improve our lives.
So long live anthropology!!!!

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